Why I started Swimm.
10 years ago, pregnant and working in a senior role in a global marketing agency, I broke up with my daughter's father. He remained in Peru where we'd met 4 years previously, and 2 months before my due date, I realised I was going to be parenting entirely alone -  without emotional, financial or physical support. As I faced the puzzle of caring, parenting, and providing alone,  I realised there was no-one I knew who had done this before and whose example would reassure me that I would stay afloat. I had to trust my instinct and dive in. Nearly a decade on, many wonderful single parents have joined my throng of friends, all with hugely varied life experiences & routes to single parenting. For us all, time has become an ever tighter commodity, unable to divide and conquer family paraphernalia or practicalities as two adult families can, single parents have to become logistical masters, navigating haircuts, tip runs, hardware stores, house moves, boiler maintenance, children's clubs and much more with children in tow!  Swimm is a place to connect with other single parents, to contribute hard won practical home and parenting hacks, to build supportive communities in local areas that fill some of the gaps and to share stories with others who understand the unique, all consuming wonder that is single parenting!
How to get involved
Ways to connect and contribute